The Latin translation of ad litem is "for the suit."
A guardian ad litem is a guardian (usually a lawyer) appointed by the court to manage the affairs of the ward as they relate to a proceeding or particular...The Latin translation of ad litem is "for the suit."
A guardian ad litem is a guardian (usually a lawyer) appointed by the court to manage the affairs of the ward as they relate to a proceeding or particular...Ademption by extinction refers to when an intended gift of property through a will fails to transfer those property rights because the property as described in the will no longer belongs to the testator when the will takes effect.
...Ademption by satisfaction occurs when a party gives someone a gift initially intended to be included in their will while that party is still alive. In cases of direct familial relationships, ademption by satisfaction is presumed as...
To adopt is to accept, to bring, to choose to take up, to follow, or to use a plan or technique. To adopt is to assume a report or position, attitude, or law, as to apply them.
Also related to adoption is to form a legal...
Adoption refers to the act where an adult formally becomes the guardian of a child and incurs the rights and obligations of a parent. At the conclusion of the formal process, a legal relationship between child and guardian will have formed....
An Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN) is a unique nine-digit number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a temporary taxpayer identification number for a child in a domestic or foreign adoption process. Taxpayers must...
Adultery is a form of extramarital sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not a party to the marriage. In a fault divorce, adultery is one of the grounds for divorce. In addition to obtaining a divorce, some states...
An advanced directive is defined as a legal document that takes effect if one cannot make decisions due to illness or incapacity. Several different types of advance directives exist. Some, such as a living will, give instructions on which...
An advancement is a gift made during a donor’s life to a family member, usually when the donor anticipates their own death. The value of the advancement is included in the calculation of the net probate estate when the donor dies. Therefore,...
There are three main types of adverse interests.
An adverse interest can mean an interest, claim or right that is against another’s interest. For example, a plaintiff and defendant have adverse interests. A witness with...