A bondsman is a person who guarantees a bond. Bondsmen are most frequently seen in the context of bail bondsman for criminal defendants.
A bail bondsman is a person who provides bail bonds for people charged with crimes and...
A bondsman is a person who guarantees a bond. Bondsmen are most frequently seen in the context of bail bondsman for criminal defendants.
A bail bondsman is a person who provides bail bonds for people charged with crimes and...
A bailout is when the government gives financial support to rescue a company that is in financial trouble and possibly at risk for bankruptcy. The bailout enables the survival of the company. The need for a bailout often arises out of a financial...
A balloon mortgage is a mortgage where the payments are not large enough to pay off the entire mortgage during its amortization period. Thus, the borrower must make an extra-large payment at the end of the amortization period to fully pay off...
Balloon payments refer to very large payments at the end of some short-term loans called balloon loans. Balloon loans are used in commercial settings and sometimes for personal loans, but since the balloon payment often is more than twice the...
According to the U.S Code a bank or trust company is incorporated and engaged in the business of financial transactions under the laws of the United States or of any State. A bank is a substantial part of the financial establishment and a...
Bankruptcy fraud is a white-collar crime that commonly takes four general forms:
A debtor conceals assets to avoid having to forfeit them. An individual intentionally files false or incomplete forms. Including false information on a...A basis point (often abbreviated as bp) is a unit of measurement that denotes a change in the interest rate of a financial instrument and is equal to 1/100th of 1% or 0.01%. It is a usual practice in the financial industry to use basis points...
A bill of exchange, a short-term negotiable instrument, is a signed, unconditional, written order binding one party to pay a fixed sum of money to another party on demand or at a predetermined date. A bill of exchange is sometimes called...
Blank endorsement is a kind of signature on a financial instrument. It has no designated payee, so the person who possesses it can demand payment, for example, a check made payable to cash and endorsed on the back with the signature of the...
A book account is a record of all the financial information of a person or business. It is a statement of the debit and credit of an individual which also shows the amount of debt a person owes at any given time. In terms of a business’s book...