Alluvion is the slow accretion or erosion of soil, sand, and other parts of land. Water usually causes alluvion by moving the shoreline over time. In some areas located besides rivers and oceans, land can continuously change its shape through...
property & real estate law
alternative contingent remainder
An alternative contingent remainder occurs when the same property is subject to two contingent remainders with opposite conditions precedent such that one of them will always take effect.
A contingent remainder is a type of...
ameliorative waste
Ameliorative waste refers to modifications that increase the value of property made by a tenant who failed to obtain the landowner or future interest holder’s permission. Ameliorative waste differs from permissive waste and voluntary waste,...
Anticipation is the performance of an act or obligation before it is legally due. Some common uses of the term “anticipation” in a legal sense include:
In the context of patent law, anticipation refers to the prior invention or...APN
APN is the shorthand for assessor’s parcel number.
[Last updated in December of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team]
In the context of a power of appointment, the appointees are the people the donee actually selects from the objects of the power. They are selected by the power of possession holder to receive the appointive assets subject to that power of...
An appraisal is the process by which the value of an item or property is determined. This is necessary in a variety of contexts. One common instance is in the purchase, sale or refinancing of homes or other real estate. Appraisals are also...
To appraise is to determine the value of an object or piece of property. This is done by an expert called an appraiser, the result of this action called an appraisal. This is necessary in a variety of contexts, such as the purchase, sale or...
An appraiser is an expert hired to examine an object or piece of property to determine its value. This determination is called an appraisal, and is commonly required for the purchase, sale, or refinancing of real estate or to gain insurance...
Appreciate means to increase in value (the opposite of depreciate). It may also mean: to understand or recognize the value or significance of something or someone.
See also: appreciation.
[Last updated in June of...